About me
Because there is a beginning to everything...
My beginnings? Nala... my first dog. She opened my eyes to dog behavior in general.
Above all, she taught me to question myself, more than once.
In 2010, Nala, a Border Collie, a wonderful little ball of fur, came into my life. We go to education a few times but his attention was focused on the next field: agility.
We start this sport together and Nala quickly begins to enjoy it, to the point of becoming uncontrollable. At 4 years old, my dog had become crazy about agility and above all unmanageable . Bad news for me at the time, I was told that I had to take control of my dog and get back into obedience to find harmony with her.
What followed were courses, training, research, learning, trials, errors, personal and canine analyses... The difficulties pushed me to learn a lot about myself, about her, about dogs and their way of life and communication.
I had to adapt, question myself more than once, I had to take it upon myself not to give up.
And we got there. After 1 month of changes and work, I came back more proud than ever with a dog on her feet who listened and didn't move. It was the beginning of a great story and adventure in Agility. The bonds were created and much stronger than before.
From that moment on, I could see that my dog had changed because my vision and my method had evolved.
Following this episode, I undertook professional training as an Etho-Psycho-Behavioralist in Nantes.
My passion for agility grew while continuing to train and learn. In 2016, Ivy, a female Malinois, came to join us.
Thanks to this change in perception of the dog and thanks to these new methods, Ivy's education was a pleasure for our pair. Knowing what I was doing and where I was going, confidence was built right from the start.
Ivy is a wonderful dog, stable, sociable and well behaved.
She currently competes in Agility grade 3 in Belgium and abroad.